Guilt, Guilt and More Guilt

September 14, 2010 (32 weeks 4 days)

Okay, so this pregnancy is different, very different. For one thing, I don’t have the time to really enjoy this pregnancy and cherish every moment like I did with my first. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to but I am just too busy! I don’t feel every kick and punch, I don’t play music for the baby through headphones, I hardly ever talk to the baby, I fill my pregnancy diary once every 2 months and well I eat lunch meats, runny eggs, way too much chocolate and I didn’t even post the ultrasound pictures on Facebook! Uggggg, how will this baby ever succeed in life?
Daddy has maybe felt baby kick twice, has only attended the one pre-natal appointment and isn’t even concerned by the fact that we have less than 8 weeks left and still have not decided on a boy’s name!

In actual baby news…
I have had 2 prenatal appointments since my last post. Despite all my pregnancy woes this time (another story altogether) everything is moving along just fine. At the first of the 2 appointments I gained 4lbs and the baby’s heart rate was 144. At the second, which I must add was 2 weeks later, yes I did write 2 weeks, I gained 9lbs and the baby’s heart rate was 130! 9lbs in 2 weeks!!!!! I cannot blame the weight gain on the Chocolate Marshmallow squares this time, nope, instead I have to blame it on the 3 batches of m&m brownies with ice-cream that I practically devoured myself… can’t leave them sitting out too long, right?

Okay, so we are now really in the home stretch. Name or no name, appointments every 2weeks mean that this baby is a comin’ soon.

I am off to enjoy some kicks and punches and try to figure out how I am ever going to convince this baby that we truly love it with all our hearts!

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