This Turkey is Done... Almost!

October 10, 2010 (36 weeks, 2 days)

So anyone that knows me well enough knows that I am not a cook or baker by nature. Sure I know enough to get by and feed my family good wholesome foods (at least some of the time), but I am not the next Martha Stewart by any means. When it comes to baking I am completely recipe challenged, for some reason I ALWAYS have to switch or skip ingredients. Although the reasons for this vary, it is mostly because some recipes call for the most absurd things - like shortening and lard. Who in the 21st century still uses lard (isn’t that pig fat) and what the heck is shortening?
Anyway, to my point… I don’t know if it is because I have a new kitchen, it is some weird form of nesting or because I am a mom and moms are supposed to cook and bake and make their families all kinds of yummy foods, but I have the “kitchen itch”. I can’t stay out of my kitchen and if and when I am out of my kitchen it is only to plan my next creation! This “kitchen itch” has gotten so bad that James asked me the other day (while I was busy baking some sort of cookie with Ro) if I was working on trying to collect my “Stay at Home Mom Pass”? Not only that, but I was finally brave enough to host a Thanksgiving dinner where I actually cook the meal! Yes parents, hold your hearts, this kid can finally cook a turkey! Okay, so I may have forgotten to baste the turkey for the first 3 hours, but in the end it turned out to be absolutely DELICIOUS! Pretty sure Christmas is going to be at our house this year!

Speaking of turkeys, my other turkey, the one that I have been carrying for the last 36 weeks is pretty much cooked. Just another 4 weeks, give or take! I have had 2 appointments since my last Blog entry. At the first I was down, yes I said down 3 lbs (that is because I made peanut butter treats that week and didn’t really like them) and the baby’s heartbeat was 132. At the second appointment I was up only 1lb (okay, maybe my creations really aren’t that good because I clearly haven’t been eating as much lately) and the baby’s heartbeat was 130. I have had Braxton Hicks contractions like crazy and some other low pains that I had near the end of my pregnancy with Ronin. NO IT’S NOT LABOUR…. We have also had a few minor hurdles this past month, but nothing too serious and I am hoping that it stays that way. As for my prediction… well I still feel that it is a girl (about 50% of the time) the rest of the time I think it may be another boy… in which case we are screwed… I have been spending so much time in the kitchen that I have forgotten all about trying to find a boy’s name.

P.S. It might be hard to believe but I ACTUALLY know the difference between shortening and lard now… MOVE OVER MARTHA!!

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