Chocolate Marshmellow Squares

August 17, 2010 28 weeks 4 days

Okay, getting comfortable seems to be an issue these days and sadly, I can’t even blame it on the baby bump. No, it’s the fact that I can barley squish my arse into any of my shorts anymore and what’s worse, I am talking maternity shorts (I have been out of my regular clothes for months). Who knew you could grow out of maternity clothes? Aren’t those things alternatively meant to be used as tents!

My drastic increase in size is due partly to the fact that I just spent 2 weeks on vacation during which I spent the ENTIRE time stuffing my face with chocolate marshmallow square, million dollar cookies and bottomless Oreo blizzard… and well I can’t go on for fear that my craving for chocolate will strike and I will soon be licking the small chocolate stain on the carpet… not from me of course.
We had company, hence all the good food. No I didn’t make it as any good hostess would. My company knows me well and come stocked with delicious goodies (they also cook, clean, build and fix things around my house and occupy my 2.5 year old) all while I grow my butt, uh, I mean relax. Sarcasm aside, words cannot describe how much I love and appreciate them and everything they do for me!

In baby news, we are now officially in the 3rd trimester! The morning sickness has subsided (I even allowed my company to make and eat Caesar salad) onions are still strictly off limits though.

At our last appointment with the midwife the baby’s heart rate was 132. That is the lowest it has been so far and it seriously made me question whether or not it is a boy. Up until that appointment I was so certain it was a girl! Now I am just super confused and even more excited to find out…on D day of course.

Baby’s head was also up at the last appointment, but I think it may have flipped a couple of days ago as I am now feeling little feet (?) kicking my sides again… oh how I love that feeling!

The midwife had great fun feeling for the position of the baby. She said I had the perfect belly for training and had wished that she had a student midwife in that day. I think it was a nice way to say, “Your belly is so soft and squishy”. What’s up with that anyway? During my last pregnancy my belly was as hard as a rock and even harder, if that’s possible, during Braxton Hicks. This time it is mostly just hard at night and during Braxton Hicks, other than that it may as well be compared to the Pillsbury dough boy’s belly! Perhaps it is because it has already been stretched once, or because the placenta is anterior or … ugggg because of all the chocolate marshmallow squares??? I think I will go with one of the former.

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