
July 21, 2010 (24 weeks, 5 days)

Along with crazy prego cravings comes crazy prego nesting…

The urge to organize has hit. Well actually it hit full force the day I was finally able to get my lazy butt off the couch, so around 15 weeks.
Never in a million years would anyone be able to tell that any nesting has occurred here, our house is still a mess. With a 2 year old and renos, I don’t know how anyone could keep it clean!

However, things are getting done. Among a million other little tasks, I have purged and organized 3 years worth of documents and papers (that gave me great joy), I wash the floors on a regular basis and I even rearranged the furniture and replaced the protectors on the bottom of the couches…which leads me to a whole new story.
Prepare yourself; it is not for those with a weak stomach!

It was a beautiful rainy day, yes I did write beautiful and rainy in one sentence! Rain means I have every reason to stay inside and ORGANIZE, such a delight to a crazy prego in nesting mode.
Back to my story… So I had just finished washing the living room floors and decided, after putting a rather long scratch into our new hardwood, that it was time to replace the floor protector pads on the bottom of the couches. To do so I needed to flip the couches on their sides, exposing all 4 legs –easy peasy Right? I could almost taste the satisfaction I would feel after another household project was done. WRONG! What happened next has changed my whole view of mankind… Upon flipping the couch I discovered to my absolute horror that the bottom was covered in, yes covered in, wait for it… BOOGERS, dried out, stuck on BOOGERS, lots and lots and lots of BOOGERS! Who the He## wipes their boogers under the couch?

Uggggg, excuse me while I bury my head in the toilet… story over.

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