
July 20, 2010 (24 weeks, 4 days)

Okay, everybody knows that pregnancy hormones cause random, sometimes weird and utterly disgusting food cravings. Pregnant women are often the butt of food related jokes and comments… just ask the weirdo in the ice cream aisle at the supermarket. Yes, some random guy made complete fun of me for buying ice cream. In fact he thought his comments were so funny that he tried to get another customer involved. I would hate to see how he reacts to something that REALLY is funny, like me asking him when he was due. I ended up not even eating what I bought because the jerk ruined my mood…

Anyway, enough pouting and back to my main story…
Unlike my pregnancy with Ronin, where I had very few cravings, if any (I think the only thing I craved was liver pate with mustard on toast) I am having serious, world stopping, GET ME THAT FOOD RIGHT NOW cravings that cannot be ignored.
One such example would be cherries. My craving for cherries was so intense I thought I was going to go nuts. Thankfully cherries are bountiful late June in the beautiful Okanagan, although a bit pricey at $2.89/lb but when a girl has a craving it has to be filled no matter what the cost, even if it means $2.89/lb AND stopping the car with a sleeping toddler after a long day on the road (all parents know what happens when the car stops with a sleeping toddler). Consequences aside, I had to interrupt our trip home for a quick stop, besides I had tunnel vision from half way down the highway to the very table holding those delicious cherries at the roadside fruit stand –it could not be ignored! Needless to say I was ready to jump from the truck before James came to a full stop. Nothing could ruin my 2lbs and about 20 minutes of scrumptious glory… that was until my hand hit the bottom of the bag and the craving persisted!

Luckily I only had to suffer one night because a friend came to my rescue (or shall I say James and Ronin’s rescue) the next morning with a bursting flat of plump reddish purple cherries! I jumped in unreserved and gobbled the cherries by the handful. It was heaven, I was in cherry heaven for 3, 4 almost 5 days at which time I thought I would share the pleasure. I decided to take a bunch over to my parents (okay I may have been slightly motivated by the thought of a delicious cherry pie homemade by my wonderful mother). My very kind and always willing mother got to work right away pitting cherries in preparation for the said cherry pie… spoiled brat that I am left her to it, likely so I could bask in the bliss of more cherries at home. Shortly after returning from my delivery and whilst devouring a mouthful of cherries my mother called. I think the conversation went something like this.
Mom- “Have you looked at any of those cherries?”
Me- “Are you kidding, I don’t have time to look at the cherries I am pregnant and starving I don’t look at any of my food!”
Mom- “Well, I just pitted a bowl and every single cherry has had at least one worm!”
Me- “WHAT?”
Everything was a blur after that. I looked at a few of my remaining cherries (not many by this point) to see that sure enough there was at least one little hole in each one. I tossed the cherries and started to cry. James laughed. Ronin tried to console me, “It’s okay mama, worms are okay!”
Uggggg, I had eaten almost 5 days worth of cherry worms! What could be worse than that? I was certain they were crawling around in my belly, climbing up my throat and stuck in my teeth…

Funny thing was that I didn’t puke for 5 days in a row! Perhaps a positive came from my cherry experience, maybe cherry worms are the cure for morning sickness!
Oh ya, when I was finally brave enough to Google “cherry worms” I found out that they are not actually worms but maggots. Needless to say, I won’t be testing my theory anytime soon.

Other cravings this pregnancy:
Liver pate with mustard on toast … still haven’t been able to fulfill that craving as I think pates of any sort are off limits for Prego’s
Green olives
Lunch meats (odd, considering I am almost turned completely off meat)
Red wine vinaigrette (could drink it by the bottle)
Dukabor Borscht
Seafood of any kind

Other baby news…

James felt the baby kick for the first time last weekend (23 weeks 2 days for the record).
Baby is getting very busy… especially at night while I am trying to sleep!

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