When ya gotta go...

July 6, 2010 (22 weeks, 4 days)

Why is it that whenever I get stuck behind someone driving UNDER the speed limit on the highway the baby decides to use my bladder as a launch pad for back flips? I was so desperate on my way home from work today that I actually contemplated pulling over at the side of the road, but after much deliberation I decided that the risks far outweighed the consequences… the two problems with pulling over:
1. I can’t see my feet these days standing, so how would I ever see them in a squatting position? The odds of me peeing all over my shoes were too great.
2. My center of gravity is off so my positioning would likely throw the ocean tides off their natural ebb and flow.
When I finally made it to the bathrooms at the beach in OK Falls I was in such a hurry that I practically jumped out of my car while it was running. What I wasn’t expecting was that 2 men would decide to pick up and pack their ultra long 100ft canoe when I was literally 5 feet from the doors and smelling the beautiful aroma of beach bathroom air freshener -can you imagine! Thankfully the guy in the lead abruptly stopped, grinned and said, “I have learned never to get in between a pregnant woman and a bathroom!” Oh the joy (and relief) that must have spread across my face. If I wasn’t in such a hurry I would have probably given the guy a big hug!

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