May 4, 2010 (13 weeks 4 days)

Okay, so it has been a while… just a little while. I guess the entries will be reflective of my life -unorganized and sporadic. Things have been a little crazy around here. Baby is doing well. We heard the precious little heartbeat at 9weeks 6 days during our first visit with the midwife. It was such a beautiful sound and it just makes everything so real. Thank you Baby for having such a strong heart that we could hear it so early!
Also, it seems as though I have felt a few little butterfly-like flutters on occasion. Still can’t wait to feel the little goldfish feeling. Pregnancy is just so beautiful I am so grateful to have this opportunity. Thank you God!

So as mentioned we have chosen to go with a midwife. NO, THAT DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT WE ARE HAVING A HOMEBIRTH! We just thought we would try something a little different this time. Although the Mat clinic worked out well with Ronin I really wanted this birth to be just as special, but in a slightly different way. We will still have the baby at the hospital (if we make it – hah), but with a midwife in attendance instead of a Doctor. I have only had one appointment so far at the Willow Midwifery Clinic and it was more of an informational one… like me interviewing the midwife, “Okay, I get it, you catch babies for a living, but will you know how to catch MINE?”
Unlike the Mat clinic where we would have a chance of 1 in 7 doctors deliver, we have 1 in 2 chance with the midwives. Not bad odds and really not bad considering they both seem super nice. I am excited for this new experience and I just pray that all will go smooth.

As for me, well I have been feeling pretty disgusting -morning sickness/nausea 24/7. For the most part I have only been throwing up first thing in the morning, but the nausea follows me everywhere. I have pretty much become a recluse and hardly leave the house- with the exception of work. No grocery shopping, no eating out, NOTHING! My best friends are my bed and the couch. James is great too! He does all the grocery shopping and pretty much anything that I ask (including sleeping in the next room because his breath always seems to smell like garlic)! Poor guy… I love him to pieces. I just can’t be close to him because he stinks; EVERYONE stinks (except Ronin). I guess pregnancy causes me to have a super human sense of smell… fun.

I feel super bad because we have been eating less than desirable foods (canned, boxed, heated, dried, fake, unhealthy, take-out) pretty much whatever is easy and stink-free… unless of course my mom has made it. I seem to be able to eat almost whatever she makes. Bless her precious heart, I love that lady and don’t know what I would do without her! She is such a big help in so many ways and only ever thinks of others (by others I mean Ronin and I). Okay, seriously though, she is one special lady! I laze around with utter exhaustion while she washes my floors, does my dishes, folds my laundry, watches my 2 year old and makes dinner! Seriously, I can’t STAND to have her do all this, but I am so exhausted and ill that if it wasn’t for her the chores wouldn’t get done these days because I just don’t care. If you are reading this Mom (and Dad) THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!!!

As for the lack of updates, well I am in bed and asleep by 8:30 every night with Ronin, sometimes before him. I just can’t keep my eyes open! I try and try but it is impossible. I am totally not used to this exhaustion! I hate lying around but I just can’t get moving! Perhaps it’s a girl.

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