June 4, 2010 (18 weeks)

For the record… I love you, love you, love you, James but if you ever, ever, EVER eat garlic coated fries again I will have to divorce you! Yes, lovely, kind, caring and respectful James went out for pub fare with the guys a few days ago and because of that fun-filled little excursion nearly killed the beloved vessel carrying his child, ME! I woke up to a smell flooding the entire universe, a smell that happens to turn my guts so bad I could reenact superman near kryptonite or even the exorcist… GARLIC! Yes, yes, you may be wondering how I could smell garlic when James has been banished to his own bedroom down the hall, but remember I have super-human senses… senses that are so strong that I was gagging on garlic smell before I even completely woke up. Needless to say this has not been a particularly good day in terms of the nausea.

NOTICE: James you are not allowed to come within 5 ft of me for at least 2 weeks.

So, to play a little catch-up pre garlic incident… I have had some SLIGHT improvement in the nausea department. It is still there (not fun) but at least I am hungry again… very, very, very hungry!
So much so that we attempted a nice family dinner out at Kelly O’Brian’s (I was craving patchos) and it was a success! We all enjoyed our dinner, even the guy a few tables over who got a good laugh out of Ronin who decided it would be funny to expose his “moobs” to the world several times during dinner.
Anyway, my palate has broadened the last few weeks to include veggies and some other tasty (although bland) foods including fish, nuts, dried fruit and yogurt - pretty exciting development in my world!

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