June 11 (19 weeks)

Okay, I wasn’t lying when I said in my last entry that I was hungry. I somehow managed to gain 6lbs this month! Met with the midwife again yesterday and she practically cheered when I sheepishly announced my weight. Not quite the reaction I was expecting!
When I was pregnant with Ronin I gained 7lbs in one month and the Dr. told me that Tickleberries (a local ice-cream shop) was not my friend.

Baby’s heart rate was 160 at this appointment and my belly was measuring 17cm… HAH everyone has been telling me how big I am looking and here I am measuring small for my week! Go figure.

As for baby’s movement I have been feeling activity for some time now (about a month), but it is sporadic and very gentle, so different from Ronin who never ever stopped moving (and still hasn’t). Because I am only feeling movement down low the midwife suspects that the placenta may be attached to the front of my uterus and as such blocking the little kicks and punches. I guess we will find out at the ultrasound on Monday, hope I don’t pee my pants!

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