3 days later, February 26

The hunger has yet to subside… and I’m only talking about the hunger while I’m trying to sleep! At least during the day I can stuff my face with relatively little effort. I mean I don’t have to slowly inch my way out from under the little bum and legs that have somehow conveniently found a comfortable spot across my throat, or untangle myself from the duvet cover which is usually wrapped around me like some sort of overpriced baby swaddling cloth (duvet located in a crumpled ball in one corner of the cover). Nor do I have to stumble in the dark through the piles of dirty laundry and toys. No, instead I can grab anything that remotely resembles food and stuff it in my mouth. I mean, why waste time even tasting it?
So the day came that my dreaded “girly stuff” was to happen and the day passed. The thought did enter my mind, maybe I am pregnant… but I didn’t want to waste yet another $10 on a test only to be disappointed once again. No, I was not going to test until I was really really late and couldn’t stand the anticipation any longer.

I was up the next morning well before the birds to pee on the $10 stick I was going to save. POSITIVE!

So for the last week and a half or so I thought that my pants were shrinking because of our new dryer. I in no way ever thought that it was because I have packed on an extra 8 lbs! Yes, I actually dug the scale out of the closet, dusted it off and weighed myself. I do need to know my “pre-pregnancy” weight… My eyes almost popped out of my head. It was a full 8lbs higher than at my annual Doctor’s appointment less than a month ago. WHAT!! S%&^!!! F^&$!!! Oh my, how am I going to explain this one! 8lbs in less than a month and probably all within the last week! No wonder I am feeling out of breath when I walk up the stairs.

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