Get to the Hospital NOW!

Okay, so I haven’t had a chance to blog in a while. No excuses other than I am just too DAMN busy! November 6, 2010 at 11:49pm I became the mother of TWO… yes, baby came and baby came in a hurry.

The story, for those of you who are curious goes something like this…
My back seemed to have a constant ache all day, thinking it was positional (baby’s head against my spine) I spent every chance I could on all fours trying to rotate the little monkey before the big moment. Other than that, life went on as usual… mom and I went to the craft fair, James made a fabulous dinner, Ro and I watched Toy Story 3 (when he wasn’t trying to ride my like a horse while I was on all fours)…. I tucked my little man into bed and passed out beside him. Pretty exciting eh?
Well my night didn’t end there… After two wonderful, glorious hours of sleep (probably the last bit of sleep I will have for the next 2 years) I woke up with an INTENSE backache. I immediately got down on all fours and the contractions began at 2 minutes apart for 30 seconds each ..WHOA! I called my parents to come over to stay with Ronin (thank God they live close), I called the Midwife and she said “Get to the Hospital”, parents showed up, water broke with a gush which instantly relieved the pressure on my back(it was wonderful), and we ran for the truck. We live about 5 minutes from the hospital, which is a good thing… I am sure it was the longest 5 minutes of my life and James’. The whole time I was thinking “STEP ON IT JAMES THIS BABY IS COMING”. I am certain James was thinking… “ohhh not in our new truck, not in our new truck”. We got to the hospital and I literally RAN through the doors, told the lady at the front desk that I was in labour, my water broke and I was pushing… her response “I need your card and your left hand”... uggg seriously lady, “did you hear me”??? It took everything in my power to not have the baby fall out right then and there… I was so thankful when I turned and saw James come up behind me with a wheelchair. Needless to say we barely made it to L&D. Baby was born 13 minutes after pulling out of our driveway or 3 minutes after making it to the L&D ward… craziness! I am thankful for good nurses because my midwife was about 10 minutes late for the birth… I can’t blame her though because I hardly made it to the birth myself.

The result of 40 weeks of puking, 45 minutes of labour and 3 minutes of pushing was a precious 8lb, 2oz baby BOY that was nameless for the first 9 days of his life.

For the record we did decide on a name… Hudson.

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