November 4 ( 39 weeks 6 days)

Well I really can’t believe that I made it to yet another prenatal appointment. I really thought that this baby might come slightly early. Baby is officially “due” tomorrow. Wow, where did the last 40 weeks go?
In some ways I feel that I have willed this baby to stay in longer… I needed to get stuff done, wanted to get past Halloween and as of this week have wanted big brother to be, Ronin, to get over his nasty contagious virus, Hand Foot and Mouth. Ugggg!!!! This poor baby is probably wondering when exactly it will be allowed out. NOT YET BABY!
So back to the appointment… baby’s heart rate was 120 today -the lowest it has ever been. Could that mean that it’s a boy? Naaaa! Midwife decided that it would be best not to do anything that could possibly put me into labour (due to Ronin’s virus) so no sweep and no checking to see if I have dilated or anything. I was slightly disappointed but at the same time relieved… I really don’t want to bring a new baby home to something that can easily be passed on. So now it is just a waiting game… waiting for Ronin to get better (apparently this virus can be passed on for weeks) and waiting for baby to come… pretty sure this baby won’t be waiting weeks… ho hum.
Oh ya, we also discussed in detail what to do when I go into labour. Given that we are having a hospital birth and my last labour was fast we have decided that the midwife would just meet us at the hospital once labour is established rather than come to our house as they generally do. If they do come to our house before and I am too far into labour they will not let me get into the truck… and a home birth would just be too scary for James, his main concern… we have new carpet!

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