March 5, 2010 (5 Weeks Pregnant)

Yippeeeee, we have made it to the 5 week mark! Only 35 more weeks to go! Okay, so all sarcasm aside my jeans do not like me anymore. Thankfully I planned ahead this am and wore a hoodie to work so that I could unbutton and unzip my jeans while sitting. They are still sooooo uncomfortable I can hardly stand it. I was actually contemplating taking them right off for the drive home. How would I explain that one to Mr. Police Man if I got stopped? “Uhhhh, well you see, I ummm I am PREGNANT AND MY PANTS FEEL LIKE THEY ARE CUTTING OFF THE CIRCULATION TO MY VITAL ORGANS!”
Anyway I made it home fully clothed. My big plans for this weekend are to invest in a comfortable pair of pants for work -it is way too early to be digging out the maternity clothes.

In other exciting news today, we finally told our families! Yes, we thought up this ingenious plan. We were going to do it by email. James made up this movie cover, titled it “Expecting, Part Two” and placed our pictures all over the front. Super funny and super cute. Last minute preggo brain decided however, that it would be cuter to have Ronin share the news by proudly announcing “I’m going to be a big brother!”

So there we are sitting at my parents house, I lean over and very quietly whisper the instructions in his ear. He mumbles “I gonna be big brother.” My Mom replies with a laugh, “You have big fart Ronin!” She clearly did not understand him. I try again a couple more times but to no avail. To me he said it as clear as glass, to her and my Dad it sounded like anything but “I’m going to be a big brother.” Alas, I gave up and announced it myself.
It was much the same kind of conversation with the Drivers. Debbie thought that Ronin was saying he had a big booger and Doug thought he was saying something about a bucket! The whole ordeal ended with Ronin yelling on repeat “I need Chocolate! I need Chocolate” Okay, so I might have bribed him with chocolate, I just really wanted him to make our exciting announcement. Clearly the fact that he was going to get chocolate was the most exciting thing for him.
Next we told the Alldreds. This time I gave up entirely on Ronin and just sent them the damn email. Shortly after I hit send I get a call, “You’re having TWINS!”… Apparently Kerry misunderstood the “Part Two” on the movie cover to mean that we were having twins, not just that we were expecting our second child.
I think next time we will just do the Big Brother shirt thing.

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