March 3, 2010 (4 Weeks 5 Days)

Something rather odd yet interesting happened today. My replacement during my first Mat leave at work came up to me, looked my right in the eye and asked, “Are you pregnant?” Thank God the phone rang at that particular second. I thought I was safe… but no, she was curious and just stood there staring at me. I had spoken to her earlier that morning and she said that she felt it and just had to confirm because it had been bothering her all day. I couldn’t deny it!
We haven’t told a sole yet, James and I are the only ones that know. I haven’t even been to the Dr to have it confirmed! We are planning on waiting a few weeks before we tell the ‘rents and hopefully 3 months before we share with the world. However, if it is anything like last time the world may be able to tell by 5 weeks by the horrid death sounds emanating from the bathroom! Yes, so far so good no morning sickness, but I am still awaiting the day it all begins. Who knows maybe I will be lucky this time!

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