
OMG! Panic set in when I realized that I haven't written a post in ummmmm, months! Crazy that this would panic me considering some are predicting the world's end tomorrow... enough on that.

So life in this house has been very BUSY to say the least. I swear I am on my feet from 5am until at least 9pm straight!

Little H is now almost 6.5 months old, completely happy (the crying ended around 4mths), starting to get mobile and learning to eat. Most people say he looks like me but he clearly does NOT take after me in all aspects as he seems to HATE food. His eyes water, he sputters, gags, and makes a strange little bug-eyed "what is this crap I am going to hurl" face. I totally think that he just isn't ready to eat yet so I don't push. His rolls and creases prove that he is not starving by any means! My rolls and creases on the other hand... well, we just wont go there either.

Big Brother is doing well too, although we have seem to hit the troublesome threes. Ohhhhhhhh and for the all the parents of 2 year olds out there ENJOY THEM... 2 year olds are a walk in the park compared to 3 year olds! Okay, so we have had to get a little strict around here but it hasn't dampened the mood much at all. I am not going to lie... I think my kid is a comedian! He comes up with the funniest things ever, if you are a facebook friend you have probably seen some of my Ronin quotes. I just can't help but share the laughs.

Well its late, have to end this abruptly so I can hit the sheets 5am comes quickly. I will try to post something soon, that is of course if the world as we know it continues to exist beyond tomorrow.

Coping Strategies

Okay, so I really don't have any time. Baby cries and cries and cries and Ronin always needs my attention and neither of my lovely little boys like to sleep through the night. All this equals one very tired Mama some days, especially the last week because we have all been sick with a cold. Here are my coping strategies (in a list of course because I don't have time to write full sentences):
1. Pray (for patience- on an hourly basis)
2. Complain about how many times I was up and how early I was up to everyone I know
3. Eat lots of chocolate
4. Complain some more
5. Make "jammie" days sound super exciting to my 3 year old so that I can ignore the whole personal hygiene thing (baths, clean clothes, etc...what does it matter when you never leave the house anyway?)
6. Avoid people who have "perfect" children who sleep through the night, sleep in and never cry... this is mostly for safety reasons... I fear that my fist may somehow find its way to their nose.
7. Complain some more
8. Have a hot shower and get lots of water in my ears so that I can't hear anything for the next several hours
9. Practice the art of sleeping with my eyes open, while standing and bouncing a screaming baby with a 3 year old wrapped around my leg wanting me to pull him around the house.

Kids are asleep, house is quiet I'm a hittin' the sheets before my nightly game of musical beds begins!

Adjusting to life

WOW 2011 already! Where the heck did 2010 go and where the heck did the last 2 months go? Baby H is 2 months old today and this is my second blog since he was born. 2 words, NO TIME!

Our once family of 3 has adjusted well to our new addition. Ronin is absolutely AMAZING with Hudson and despite all the time I spend consoling, changing, consoling, feeding, consoling, cleaning, and consoling the new babe Ronin still LOVES him and ME to pieces! There are no words to describe the love and compassion that Ronin has for his little brother - I can’t even think about it without getting teary-eyed.

Hudson is doing well. He is about 14lbs now and doesn’t seem to fit any of his clothes. They are either too tight in the belly or too long. He must take after his father and Ronin who both seem to have short legs! I think he is carrying around a spare tire of sorts and he is a bit of a crier (did I mention that I spend a lot of time trying to console the little man?) but is super cute nonetheless.

As for my spare tire, well it’s gone…yay! However, my jeans still don’t fit, my shirts are too short, my hips are too wide, my butt is too big and I am flabby mcflabberson. Oh how I love wearing the same pants every time I have to leave the house….

I have so much more to say but no time… check back in another 2 months.

Get to the Hospital NOW!

Okay, so I haven’t had a chance to blog in a while. No excuses other than I am just too DAMN busy! November 6, 2010 at 11:49pm I became the mother of TWO… yes, baby came and baby came in a hurry.

The story, for those of you who are curious goes something like this…
My back seemed to have a constant ache all day, thinking it was positional (baby’s head against my spine) I spent every chance I could on all fours trying to rotate the little monkey before the big moment. Other than that, life went on as usual… mom and I went to the craft fair, James made a fabulous dinner, Ro and I watched Toy Story 3 (when he wasn’t trying to ride my like a horse while I was on all fours)…. I tucked my little man into bed and passed out beside him. Pretty exciting eh?
Well my night didn’t end there… After two wonderful, glorious hours of sleep (probably the last bit of sleep I will have for the next 2 years) I woke up with an INTENSE backache. I immediately got down on all fours and the contractions began at 2 minutes apart for 30 seconds each ..WHOA! I called my parents to come over to stay with Ronin (thank God they live close), I called the Midwife and she said “Get to the Hospital”, parents showed up, water broke with a gush which instantly relieved the pressure on my back(it was wonderful), and we ran for the truck. We live about 5 minutes from the hospital, which is a good thing… I am sure it was the longest 5 minutes of my life and James’. The whole time I was thinking “STEP ON IT JAMES THIS BABY IS COMING”. I am certain James was thinking… “ohhh not in our new truck, not in our new truck”. We got to the hospital and I literally RAN through the doors, told the lady at the front desk that I was in labour, my water broke and I was pushing… her response “I need your card and your left hand”... uggg seriously lady, “did you hear me”??? It took everything in my power to not have the baby fall out right then and there… I was so thankful when I turned and saw James come up behind me with a wheelchair. Needless to say we barely made it to L&D. Baby was born 13 minutes after pulling out of our driveway or 3 minutes after making it to the L&D ward… craziness! I am thankful for good nurses because my midwife was about 10 minutes late for the birth… I can’t blame her though because I hardly made it to the birth myself.

The result of 40 weeks of puking, 45 minutes of labour and 3 minutes of pushing was a precious 8lb, 2oz baby BOY that was nameless for the first 9 days of his life.

For the record we did decide on a name… Hudson.


November 4 ( 39 weeks 6 days)

Well I really can’t believe that I made it to yet another prenatal appointment. I really thought that this baby might come slightly early. Baby is officially “due” tomorrow. Wow, where did the last 40 weeks go?
In some ways I feel that I have willed this baby to stay in longer… I needed to get stuff done, wanted to get past Halloween and as of this week have wanted big brother to be, Ronin, to get over his nasty contagious virus, Hand Foot and Mouth. Ugggg!!!! This poor baby is probably wondering when exactly it will be allowed out. NOT YET BABY!
So back to the appointment… baby’s heart rate was 120 today -the lowest it has ever been. Could that mean that it’s a boy? Naaaa! Midwife decided that it would be best not to do anything that could possibly put me into labour (due to Ronin’s virus) so no sweep and no checking to see if I have dilated or anything. I was slightly disappointed but at the same time relieved… I really don’t want to bring a new baby home to something that can easily be passed on. So now it is just a waiting game… waiting for Ronin to get better (apparently this virus can be passed on for weeks) and waiting for baby to come… pretty sure this baby won’t be waiting weeks… ho hum.
Oh ya, we also discussed in detail what to do when I go into labour. Given that we are having a hospital birth and my last labour was fast we have decided that the midwife would just meet us at the hospital once labour is established rather than come to our house as they generally do. If they do come to our house before and I am too far into labour they will not let me get into the truck… and a home birth would just be too scary for James, his main concern… we have new carpet!


November 1 (39 weeks 3 days)

Okay, so we made it through Halloween and still no baby. Thank you God! I really didn’t want my child to have to share its birthday with another occasion. I would have felt guilty forever!
On a more negative note… I have been puked on, spit on, sneezed on and coughed on all in the last 24 hours….(and yes, I still love motherhood). My poor little man has come down with some kind of nasty bug. For his sake and ours I hope he recovers quickly and we don’t get it… baby is a comin’ soon we are all going to need our energy!

Getting Closer!

October 28 (38 weeks 6 days)

Baby update! Okay, so I am still slightly behind in my blogging… only need to catch up on 3 appointments, so here we go…

On October 14, at 36 weeks 6 days pregnant I had the scare of my life when the midwife happily announced that the baby’s head was engaged deep in my pelvis. WHAT!!!! Okay, so I have done a little reading (gotta love Google search) all in an attempt to prepare myself for the big L&D that was starting to plague my every thought and I was certain I read that with 2nd babies engagement doesn’t usually happen until just before delivery. Out of panic, my response to the midwife was “please make it stay in a little longer”… I still had 2 weeks of work left, a bunch of organizing and cleaning to do and of course lots and lots of baking! She laughed, promised me that it didn’t necessarily mean that the baby would come early … but she seemed to me to have a look of doubt as she casually mentioned that she didn’t need any 37 weekers because she was busy enough with all the 40 weekers. ANYWAY, engagement explains why I have shooting pains down my groin and it feels like the baby is poking me in places I didn’t even know existed. Ahhhhh…. I do love being pregnant though! Oh ya, the baby’s heart rate was 145 bpm… girl?

The October 21 appointment went much the same as all the others. Everything was good, baby’s heart rate was 140 and baby was still engaged. Work was coming to a close end as I decided to take off 1 week earlier than expected, midwife approved and wrote me a note. The day after this appointment was my last day and thankfully so because the Braxton Hicks contractions were CONSTANT, some causing my back to ache and I felt that I just really needed to be close to home! I planned on sneezing this child out and there was NO WAY I was going to have this baby at work!

Today I had another appointment. All is still good except for the fact that baby’s limbs still seem to be at the front of my belly most of the time. I look down and see huge bumps moving around and poking a good couple of inches out of my belly. It looks a little creepy but is really quite fascinating trying to figure out what exactly it is… a knee, foot, leg, hand??? I am so amazed that something can actually live and grow inside my belly. I am also amazed that this child hasn’t broken through the bag of water or my belly button with all this movement. Anyway, the official title of the baby’s position is “posterior” and posterior babies tend to cause long and painful back labour because the hard part of the head presses on the mothers back –great. My wonderful midwife suggested a few exercises to get the baby to rotate, one of which is to get down on all 4’s and let my belly hang for at least 20 minutes 3 times a day. I thought, okay, easy enough… and since I plan on sneezing this child out I better get cracking.

As soon as I got home I got down on all 4’s. It was fine for about 3 seconds until my almost 3 year old 35 pounder saw me, came running full speed ahead, jumped on my back and yelled “giddy up horsey!” It was all fun and games for the rest of the day. Oh ya, and 20 minutes on all 4’s is impossible, even without the 3 year old cowboy.